It doesn’t matter what type of eCommerce stores you are running, one way or another you’re struggling to gain more sales and, therefore, increase your profit. To reach certain goals one usually implements different eCommerce marketing activities and to measure effectiveness of efforts the conversion rate is used. You may have heard about it before, but what does “conversion rate” mean?

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who came to your webstore and got “converted” by taking meaningful action you want them to take. Making a purchase, adding some items to the cart, signing up for a newsletter
the target actions of your website visitors can be different and they are determined by the goals you are pursuing.

How to calculate ecommerce conversion rate? You have to divide the number of website visitors by the number of conversions (purchases, registrations or other desired actions). For example, last month 10.000 folks visited your store and made 200 successful deals. In this case the conversion rate is 5%. Congrats!

What is a good conversion rate for a web store? The average conversion rate for eCommerce is around 2-3%. But you can find 1% or 5% in different sources. It depends, but you definitely want to work toward higher numbers than what you have now. Don’t worry about the ‘average’ rates. As long as conversion rate increases, you may be sure you are on the right way.

What can affect your conversion rate?

  • SEO strategy
  • Excellent user experience on your webstore
  • Content strategy

How to improve ecommerce conversion rates?

  • Magento Web stores have powerful SEO tools stack that can help your product pages to climb up to the top of Google search. It leads us to the point that you need to develop and implement an effective SEO strategy
  • Great UX of your web store is a result of coherent work of front-end developers, back-end developers and your marketing team
  • Accurate content on your site helps to reveal your product pages at search results, lure new customers and spark their interest to make more purchases.

How does copywriting content and conversion rates relate? Your SEO efforts can attract users, UX of your store can impress or comfort them but if you have poor copy (company description, product information, etc.), your visitors can silently live your web store without making any purchases.

There are some successful cases of skyrocketing conversion via copywriting:

Smart content on your site will:

  • Attract folks from web search
  • Inform visitors about products on your store, their features and benefits
  • Evoke emotions, prompt to buy
  • Foster long term relationship with your brand.

How to increase ecommerce conversion rates

1. Create unique product descriptions. Avoid using manufacturers’ product descriptions. Search engines define these as duplicate content. Use your chance to differentiate your product in customer’s minds. Even if you’re selling standard items, unique and witty descriptions can entice folks to buy. **

  1. Use long-tail keywords.** What is long-tail keyword? It’s high target phrase that consist of three and more words. Visitors searching items via long-tail search request phrases differ from regular internet surfers tremendously as they know exactly what they are looking for, meaning they are ready to come and give away their money for something they need! Ready to buy consumers help to increase conversion rates.

3. Write directly for your target audience. Make customer segmentation and define typical properties. There are 4 types of persons by typical consumer behaviour:

  • Logical persona (40–45% of the audience): They are methodical and detail-oriented. These customers are looking for emphasized features, extensive details especially of the technology behind your products. Logical persons are annoyed by fluff and vague language.
  • Impulsive persona (30–35%): These optimistic and risk-oriented customers focus on benefits. To amuse them you need to create a story around your product and use rich imagery and powerful words.
  • Caring persona (15–20%): Such customers take care of other people and environment. To grasp their attention, focus on your company mission and social benefits of your products.
  • Aggressive persona (5–7%): These selfish customers are generally focused on rational features that will help them to gain success. Focus on key features that will help them to improve themselves, rise performance.

4. Use power words and action words. Words have power. Invest time and money into content for eCommerce websites as it influences website visitors more than graphics, navigation and any other variables.

Power words list

  • absolutely
  • advice
  • affordable
  • alert
  • amazing
  • announcing
  • approved
  • astonishing
  • attractive
  • audacious
  • authentic
  • backed
  • banned
  • bargain
  • beautiful
  • best-Selling
  • better
  • big
  • bonanza
  • bottom line
  • breakthrough
  • breathtaking
  • caution
  • censored
  • certified
  • challenge
  • cheap
  • cheerful
  • colorful
  • colossal
  • compare
  • competitive
  • complete
  • compromise
  • confession
  • confidential
  • controversial
  • crammed
  • crazy
  • crush
  • dare
  • daring
  • defying
  • delight
  • delighted
  • delivered
  • destiny
  • direct
  • discount
  • discount
  • download
  • dumb
  • easily
  • easy
  • economical
  • edge
  • emerging
  • endorsed
  • energy
  • enormous
  • epic
  • excellent
  • exciting
  • exciting
  • exclusive
  • expert
  • exploit
  • explosive
  • extra
  • eye-opening
  • faithful
  • famous
  • fascinating
  • fearless
  • flirt
  • focus
  • forbidden
  • fortune
  • free
  • frenzy
  • frugal
  • full
  • fundamentals
  • genuine
  • gift
  • gigantic
  • grateful
  • greatest
  • growth
  • guaranteed
  • hack
  • happy
  • helpful
  • hero
  • hidden
  • high tech
  • highest
  • hope
  • how to
  • huge
  • hurry
  • imagination
  • immediately
  • important
  • improved
  • Incredible
  • inexpensive
  • informative
  • innovative
  • insider
  • instructive
  • interesting
  • introducing
  • ironclad
  • jackpot
  • jaw-dropping
  • joy
  • jubilant
  • just arrived
  • largest
  • last chance
  • last minute
  • latest
  • launching
  • lavishly
  • legendary
  • liberal
  • lifetime
  • limited
  • little-known
  • looming
  • love
  • lowest
  • luxurious
  • luxury
  • magic
  • mainstream
  • mammoth
  • marked-down
  • massive
  • mind-blowing
  • miracle
  • miraculous
  • money
  • monumental
  • mystery
  • naughty
  • new
  • no obligations
  • no questions asked
  • now
  • obsession
  • odd
  • official
  • opportunities
  • outlaw
  • outstanding
  • passionate
  • perspective
  • pioneering
  • pluck
  • popular
  • portfolio
  • powerful
  • practical
  • priceless
  • private
  • prize
  • professional
  • profit
  • profitable
  • promising
  • protected
  • proven
  • provocative
  • pummel
  • quality
  • quick
  • quickly
  • reduced
  • refund
  • refundable
  • reliable
  • reliable
  • remarkable
  • researched
  • revealing
  • revisited
  • revolutionary
  • reward
  • rich
  • risk-free
  • sale
  • sampler
  • savings
  • scarce
  • secret
  • secure
  • security
  • select
  • selected
  • sensational
  • shrewd
  • simple
  • simplified
  • simplistic
  • sizable
  • skill
  • skyrocket
  • smashing
  • soaring
  • special
  • special offer
  • spotlight
  • staggering
  • startling
  • strange
  • strong
  • stunning
  • sturdy
  • successful
  • suddenly it's here
  • superior
  • surefire
  • surging
  • surging
  • surprise
  • surprising
  • survival
  • tank
  • tantalizing
  • targeted
  • technology
  • terrific
  • tested
  • the truth about
  • thrilling
  • timely
  • tremendous
  • triumphant
  • ultimate
  • unauthorized
  • unconditional
  • under priced
  • unique
  • unlimited
  • unlock
  • unparalleled
  • unsurpassed
  • unusual
  • uplifting
  • urgent
  • useful
  • valuable
  • value
  • verified
  • victory
  • wanted
  • wealth
  • weird
  • whopping
  • willpower
  • wonderful
  • zinger
  • Action words list

  • act
  • add
  • begin
  • bite
  • break
  • buy
  • call
  • catch
  • choose
  • collect
  • create
  • draw
  • drink
  • drive
  • eat
  • exude
  • feel
  • find
  • fly
  • give
  • go
  • grow
  • guard
  • hold
  • hurry
  • jump
  • kick
  • know
  • listen
  • locate
  • love
  • make
  • measure
  • mix
  • multiply
  • play
  • prepare
  • print
  • pull
  • push
  • read
  • ride
  • ring
  • run
  • say
  • see
  • sell
  • shake
  • shout
  • speak
  • study
  • take
  • taste
  • tell
  • test
  • text
  • think
  • try
  • understand
  • 5. Use bullet points to make the text structured and easy for comprehension.

    6. Use keywords in a product description. Users scan your pages and pay attention to the key points and then if they find meaningful indicator, start to read your copy.

    7. Offer both concise and long versions of product description.

    8. Avoid long sentences. As a rule, they are difficult to digest and, therefore, work bad for persuading your audience.

    10. Write in active voice, lead with the noun that is doing the action.

    11. Use high quality product images. The guarantee of boosting eCommerce conversion rates is superior photos of your product. People want to see what they’re buying. Must-Read eCommerce Photography Guides for Store Owners.

    12. Create unique pages (homepage, about us, etc.). Design and content of these pages form your brand image. Create the epic story behind your brand - it is your chance to stand out, lure users, foster a long-lasting relationship by emphasizing brand’s values.

    13. Be honest. Don’t exaggerate and cheat on your customers. If you charge for shipping, you have to mention shipping costs upfront. According to this study 47% of people indicated they would abandon a purchase if they got to checkout and found that free shipping was not included.

    Great content is one of the key factors that aids selling your products. It can be compared to a professional salesperson that attracts customers, helps to solve users’ problems, praises your products with passion and pride, convinces visitors of the soundness of the solution you offer and pushes them to make a purchase.

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