‘Thoughts determine what you want, actions determine what you get’.
We live in the time of dynamic changes in the world, society, technologies and even climate. Unceasing movement doesn’t wait those who stand still. Innovators rule this world. Every day in our minds appear more than 60,000 thoughts, some of them may turn into an idea, the idea into a plan and the plan into a new discovery or invention. There is no time to wait and doubt. There is a time to act and verify in practice genius ideas. To be the first, to be the best!
We have endless opportunities to find new knowledges, right people and even the resources that investors are willing to invest in promising projects. Think, act, now! While you’re dreaming on a couch about your own startup and implementation of your “brilliant invention”, someone is already doing its prototype.
On the 27th of June at PioneersKyiv festival that took place at the Center for Contemporary Art “M17” gathered together those who seek to improve our lives, looking for new solutions, those who can help implement these solutions and those who are able to talk about it publicly. The whole PioneersKyiv team thanks a lot to all participants of the festival for your active position, the future is in your hands.
The lucky winner of the pitch competition that was chosen by jury and received FREE ticket to the Pioneers Festival in Vienna on the 24-25th of May 2016 is the project ARANED by Andrey Maranov, the student of The Bogomolets National Medical University. This integrated approach to the study of the human skeleton with augmented reality, the implementation of which will improve training in medical facilities. What is the problem - in the 2014 the use of organic products (real bones and organs) in the learning process was prohibited by The Bioethical Code and now it’s usually ethical and humane, but expensive models made from papier-mache, that are proposed like alternative, but really unfit for learning. The reflecting bones are schematical and don’t convey the real structure of the skeleton and real bones. Andrey Maranov from Kyiv, proposed to print bones on 3D printer and created an application that will allow to discover nerves and blood vessels with a normal smartphone. This is quality improvement in the educational process that also cut costs 5 times. University Professors support young innovator, the project already has some pre-orders.
Andrey’s application can scan and visualize the real structure of bones, joints, tendons man with just a simple smartphone. It is really an innovative project that surpasses development of Stenford University scientists in this field, where Andrey stopped by during his trip to Silicon Valley as the winner of Thiel Foundation Summit.
Silver prize was awarded to FlawlessApp.io and Ivo Radulovski mentioned this project as a very promising startup. FlawlessApp.io is a service for mobile designers and developers, which gives a chance to forget constant deadline breakdowns and over budgets during developing IT-projects. The project was a winner of a famous hackathon Garage48 in Kiev. FlawlessApp.io provides an opportunity for automation of routine tasks and state-of-the-art comparison of expected design with the implementation in a real time. This allows to achieve really high-quality realization of IT-projects.
Panic Button United Help immediately notify about a danger the appropriate service.
A project AstraFit will help you to save nerves and money spent for improperly chosen clothes, just once you input your parameters into the system and you can safely go to online shopping. Now AstraFit takes care of your dimensions and sizes.
Pibox - new messenger, which shares huge files as easy as messages on social networks.
The problem of finding a parking lot will soon disappear, the team of Tap4Parking is solving it. Using their application drivers can easily find a free parking space.
Experitus knows how to fill boring tourist trips with unforgettable impressions.
Explain brings online education to a new level, without advertising, with ability of offline learning without access to the Internet.
How to start your own business, attract investments, work effectively and why you need to seek for support of a professional lawyer. All these topics were covered by following speakers during “How to startup” panel discussion:
- Michael Riabokon, Noosphere Global,
- Natalia Berezovskaya, UAngel & Detonate Ventures,
- Ivo Radulovski, Segments Accelerator,
- Michael Perhamenschyk, Juscutum Attorneys Association.
Also, it’s really worth to mention PioneersKyiv jury that selected winners:
- Natalia Berezovskaya - Chairman of the Management Board UAngel, CEO and managing partner Detonate Ventures;
- Michael Riabokon - CEO Noosphere Ventures;
- Andrew Kolodyuk - Founder and Managing Partner at AVentures Capital, Author and Founder of Divan.tv;
- Vadim T. Rogovskiy - Board Member at UAngel, CEO of WannaBiz, Co Founder of marketing agency Face2Face Media;
- Ivo Radulovski - Co Founder & Growth Hacker at Segments Accelerator, Lean Startup Machine Vienna Lead & Evangelist;
- Andrew Kryvorchuk - Managing Partner and CEO Chernovetskyi Investment Group.
A fascinating speech of the main PioneersKyiv speaker Mark Turell about lessons of successful IT businesses based on the example of best-selling book “50 shades of gray” hasn’t left indifferent all attendees. And Mark’s book in already available on the market as well.
PioneersKyiv team infinitely thankful to global partners: Konica Minolta, Cisco; official partner: Wirtschaftsagentur Wien; powered by: Austria Wirtschaftsservice; local sponsors: M17 for kindly provided venue for the event, DOU for media support, ITDVN; Network partners: UAngel, iHUB, Digital Future, Noosphere Global, Segments Accelerator, Happy Farm, Startupbootcamp, Ukrainian Startups; Info partners: ukrstream.tv for video recording and processing, UADM, Plaforma, TriggMine, LA.BY, Mneniya.Pro, Izvestia, Weblancer, Prostobiz.ua, DAXX, delo.ua, economy, Startup Ukraine, aibua, Znaj, Ukraine Digital News; Partners: Packart for great packages to hold all info materials for all attendees, Eltrino for hosting the event, Mystery Play for gifts for the winners, Droid Sketchbook for handmade sketchbooks, presented to all visitors of the festival, Salt & Pepper, Meet Magento Ukraine.
See you soon in November 2015 at the next PioneersKyiv fest!